Me llamo Thomas Hartmann y crecí en Estocolmo pero me mudé en 1990 a Skåne, en el sur de Suecia. Tengo una hija adulta de un matrimonio anterior, que se llama Jenny, y desde 2015 estoy casado con Carina Klemetz y viviendo en Malmö.
(Thomas habla sueco e inglés, copiamos abajo su presentación en inglés)
After my university studies in Stockholm where I became a social planner, I have spent a long work life in various branches and gained extensive knowledge and experience of the requirements and organization of work life, both for the employee and for the self-employed.
Among my «useful» competences I would like to mention:
• The capacity to meet people with love and respect – to both listen, see and understand
• The insight of the importance of showing enthusiasm and engagement, and giving positive feedback
• The art of planning, structuring and communicating information
• The knowledge and experience of effectively using IT to increase work efficiency
• The understanding that many of our greatest teachings in life come when we meet opposition and learn from it
I have gain work experience from many places. I would like to mention these:
• Nordiska Institutet för samhällsplanering, Stockholm
• Arbetsgivarföreningen SFO, Stockholm
• Philips Datasystem, Stockholm
• Esselte System/Datasoft, Stockholm
• Apple Business Center/Avancera, Malmö
• Datahuset, Kristianstad
• LEXICON, Kristianstad, Malmö, Simrishamn
• Affärskultur /Affärskultur IT, Kristianstad, Hässleholm
• Österlen Bredband, Simrishamn
• Simrishamns kommun
• Kooperativet Lila, Lund
• Landskrona Stad
• Sydassistans, Malmö
• Coach Companion, Malmö
• Frälsningsarmén, Malmö
• Kompetensförädling (egen firma), Kristianstad, Simrishamn
• One2one Education (egen firma), Malmö
My role and activity here at Shamay Holistic Solutions is mainly, as I worded it on Facebook:
o “To train and motivate people in their quest for economic freedom by finding, learning and utilizing the most effective tools and behavior – to build and promote any kind of business opportunity or project ideas they may have.”
The path to joy and fulfilment implies to start with to have the right MINDSET: where your own yearnings, your willingness to take action and to believe in your own capacity are keys to success!