On Mixed Treatments

On Mixed Treatments

“My own testimonial is about Cystic Fibrosis, the disease I was born with in 1980. You can read a detailed version about it in my mother’s site. By 1985 I was severely ill and my parents were told I would be dying within months. That was when Mayni heard about a therapist in Germany who treated with homeopathy and Reiki. My lung capacity, that was at 14%, increased to 24% in a couple weeks, which was a fantastic improvement. In 1986 mom learned Reiki herself and started treating me, in 1987 I learned it myself. Since then we have kept using traditional medicine (such as enzyme supplements and antibiotics) but also natural supplements of various sorts, essential oils, dietary approaches, mental and emotional attitude, exercise — and tons of Reiki! As of today I am living a happy and productive life, dealing with CF on a daily basis but living on.
In 2012 I discovered I had gluten intolerance, and removing gluten from my own diet made a significant improvement in my digestion.
I have since helped other people improve their CF status and deal with their gluten issues, which is a constant source of satisfaction. Helping others is my passion and goal in life.”
Tisha Klemetz